4.Jan.25: The Fate of Things.
It's been wayyy too long since I wrote one of these.
It's been way too long since a lot of anything happened on here, really. And I apologize for that. Unfortunately I can't promise to rectify that any time soon.
Its not because my interest or love for this has gone anywhere, because it hasn't. I have so many ideas sitting in a notebook, new layouts, new pages/shrines, I even have drafts of several short stories I want to publish onto here! There's so much I want to do, but I just can't. Not right now at least.
When I made this website, I was fresh to college. I was lonely. I didn't have much going for me, other than empty time. I made this website to express all the things I couldn't, and to fill the dead air in my life. It was easy to update regularly and intensely when there was nothing else to do.
But, 3 years later, things have changed. For better or for worse, I became more active on campus, earning myself a spot on a club exec board, organizing large events, and attending out-of-state networking conferences. I've progressed in my major, as of right now I've completed all but one of my gen-eds and only have a handful of program courses left. Five Classes last semester, with the heavy responsibility of managing part of a large club... All of this on top of the endless waves of social warfare I've had to endure...
I just haven't had time or energy to devote to this website. Or to any kind of artistic outlet for that matter-- the most i've drawn in the past six months are tiny doodles of sonic and shadow in the margins of various notes and assignments.
I don't want to stay this inactive forever. Or only popping in to try and tweak an issue just to disappear again for another 3 months. I want to update more. But i honestly have no idea when, that will happen. Even though the semester is over and i am technically on winter break, things still don't let up. I've been a sick dog for the past 3 weeks (yup, sick through christmas and new years), and I have to work during the break. Then break is over, and I'm back into the grind, and I'm absent for god knows how long again.
I feel like I am overestimating my absence, but I still feel bad. If not for making people wait, then for letting my poor corner of the internet get all dusty and abandoned.
I wish I could end this with the promise of another update around the corner, but, you know. So thanks for reading this far, and I promise: even if its months in between I'm never abandoning this website. At least not without a coded-in goodbye involved.
Until next time.